Hiralal Parekh (1910 - 1982)

Hiralal Parekh (1910 - 1982)

“A father is neither an anchor to hold us back nor a sail to take us there, but a guiding light whose love shows us the way.”

Our father, Late Hiralal Parekh, ‘Bapuji’ shaped our beliefs, values and attitudes. He lived by example and inspired us to instill in our own children the spirit to make their mark in the world.

Bapuji left behind a legacy of giving and a model for life that we all follow to this day. As children, he taught us that no matter how little we had, we must share it with those less fortunate and do what we can to improve the lives of those around us. Over the years, each member of our parivar has continued Bapuji’s legacy of giving back in their own way.

To his final breath, Bapuji epitomised working in service of community. To honour him, we formed the Hiralal Parekh Parivar Charity Trust.

Our Values


We strive to be honest, fair and transparent in all our activities and interactions.


It is our humble endeavour to support our neighbours and communities – and in turn Mumbai city – by helping to solve challenges collectively faced by all of us.


Apply the strong moral code passed down by our elders and embibe dignity and respect in all our work. Our services are available to all communities, without discrimination.